Friday, September 7, 2007

....see 'Doing' In the World

What is “Do nothing” all about?

This phrase appears in the course five times explicitly, and other times implicitly throughout the book.

This as many other statements is often confused with either being an injunction, a sort of suggestion or even as far as a commandment by Jesus to be applied on the level of form to worldly activities, whether good news or bad news, as in: “Well.. I just got promoted so I need do nothing” or “Well.. Someone just got robbed and I need do nothing or “I am being abused and I need do nothing” or “ "I need do nothing, so I'll just sit here and watch TV or tweedle my thumbs."

Now, if it were true that ‘I need to nothing’ is something to be applied on the level of the body we might as well just sit on a couch like lumps of coal for the rest of our lives and become nothing more than vegetables. And even then, we will be doing something.. we will be "sitting on a couch like lumps of coal, breathing, eating, thinking, shifting positions, yawning, sneezing, etc."

Why would Jesus want that? Even worse, how would that ever make you happy or help you find happiness in the long run?

This is why it is so important to keep in mind that all of these statements represent nothing but thoughts, ways of thinking, changes of mind, changes in how we approach our actual doing, first on the level on the mind, then letting that approach reflect our allegiance in the mind to the thought of Oneness, the healing thought, and let it then take form as needed to help, aid, love, protect, extend, engage, embrace, assist, heal, learn, teach, etc.

I need do nothing” is a thought… to be carried with you as a helper at all times. The operative word is "I."

I need do nothing” as a thought of non-interference:

Right before we actually have to ‘do’ something.

“…3. You do not know what healing is. …. 9 Focus your mind only on this:

I am not alone, and I would not intrude the past upon my Guest.

I have invited Him, and He is here.

I need do nothing except not to interfere.” (T-16.I.3.3)

I need to nothing” as a realization:

This is a reflection in a moment of ‘light’ when you say to yourself “duh! I really should trust God more often!”

“T-18.VII. I Need Do Nothing

“When peace comes at last …; or when the goal is finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; "<I need do nothing.>" “ (T-18.VII.5.7)

I need do nothing” as a statement of allegiance to God (Oneness) in the mind:

To be believed, trusted, and carried with you in the mind.

“ "I need do nothing" is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. 8 Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation. “ (T-18.VII.6.7)

I need do nothing” as a statement of dependence on God, our Author and Creator:

A realization, quoted in the scriptures as “Of myself I can do nothing…I can do all things through Christ who give me strength” but keeping in mind that in the course Christ is not a man but Gods entire Creation, which includes you, me and the entire Sonship. It is the thought of that Oneness that brings you strength. I do not represent me alone but all my brothers. This helps allay the temptation to act selfishly.

“And I must learn I need do nothing of myself, ….” (W-337.1.6)

As we can see, not once does Jesus say that this is an order or a suggestion for us to become couch potatoes, but on the contrary, to be very involved in the world, to keep doing what we do, but to bring our dependence on God, our loyalty to Him and our trust in Him to all that we do.. to learn to step aside and realize that we are not alone and therefore we must not make decisions alone but must make them in a way as to not exclude a part of the Sonship from a benefit, a blessing, a healing. The thought of not excluding anyone from our forgiveness.

As bodies that we think we are, we cannot help but do something at all times… the human body and its attached individualized psyche is always doing something... much of it on auto pilot. Right now as a body, you are doing something, you are reading these lines, you are breathing, typing, thinking, seating, standing, moving your foot, itching your leg, blinking your eyes, assimilating these words...

We cannot “do nothing” on the level of form, that is an impossibility.

So let us not torture ourselves thinking that Jesus is asking us to do the impossible and trying to traumatize our lives. As if we weren’t already impaired enough in our judgment, interpreting things this way can make it even worse.

We “do nothing” only on the level of mind. The emphasis here is on the word “I,” as in “I” need do nothing, “I” must step aside and let the thought of “joined interests” be my guide in all that “I” DO.

I” in and of myself am nothing, and can judge nothing justly, therefore “I” must get out of the way as much as possible and let One Who Knows the needs of the entire Sonship at all times direct my actions, my words, my thoughts.

This is the formula: One quick prayer of joining, take action, no regrets, no looking back. Trust.

When “I” step aside, I learn to be an instrument of peace, and cease being a lonely “I” becoming an integral part of the ongoing miracle of Love on this plane.

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